Warnborough: Accreditation  drsuccess August 30, 2024 Uncategorized We often get asked this question, and YES, Warnborough is accredited. Accreditation from the following has been achieved: University of Oxford Delegacy of Local Examinations,  Association of British Language Schools (ABLS), British Council (BC), ISO9001, International Accreditation … Continued

International Education Accreditation Council (IEAC)

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The IEAC plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and credibility of educational institutions and programs. Accreditation with IEAC is a voluntary process through which institutions and programs undergo rigorous evaluation to demonstrate that they meet established standards of … Continued

Futureland 2024 in Malta

We are excited to announce that 2024’s Futureland will be held at the historic Fort St Elmo in Valletta, Malta. The theme for this year is “Inclusive Education for an Inclusive World”. The call for abstracts is now open. We … Continued

Futureland2023 is ready to welcome you

We are pleased that Futureland is now ready with a full slate of exciting presenters and workshop leaders. You can view the schedule of events here: And also register to attend here: We are beyond excited to announce … Continued

TVET Alliance Summit

IVETA was a key part of the TVET Alliance Summit which happened at the Villa il Poggiale outside Florence in Italy from 5-6 April.  The Summit was organised by the Skillman Alliance (comprising IVETA, AER, ENNI, and EAPRIL)  in collaboration with the European Training Foundation. There were at … Continued

Students set to shoulder £100k bill for degrees

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The Times (London 24th February 2022) front page headlines report that students who take out a £45,000 loan to cover their fees and living expenses face paying back £100,000, and loans last until retirement (60) ! What will overseas students … Continued


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IVETA is blessed with a dynamic membership and leadership team.  This year many good things are being planned as IVETA expands around the world.  Now we need members to ‘run with the ball’ and support our Regional Vice Presidents to … Continued