Futureland in Dublin

IVETA co-organised a learning festival called “Futureland” during March 6-7, 2023 with Warnborough College Ireland at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. The event was supported by Failté Ireland and MeetinIreland, and was part-funded by the Erasmus+ projects of Adaptive Expertise and … Continued

Futureland2023 is ready to welcome you

We are pleased that Futureland is now ready with a full slate of exciting presenters and workshop leaders. You can view the schedule of events here: https://futureland.education/the-theme/futureland-2023-schedule-of-events/ And also register to attend here:  https://futureland.education/register/ We are beyond excited to announce … Continued

TVET Alliance Summit

IVETA was a key part of the TVET Alliance Summit which happened at the Villa il Poggiale outside Florence in Italy from 5-6 April.  The Summit was organised by the Skillman Alliance (comprising IVETA, AER, ENNI, and EAPRIL)  in collaboration with the European Training Foundation. There were at … Continued