Futureland2023 is ready to welcome you

We are pleased that Futureland is now ready with a full slate of exciting presenters and workshop leaders. You can view the schedule of events here: https://futureland.education/the-theme/futureland-2023-schedule-of-events/ And also register to attend here:  https://futureland.education/register/ We are beyond excited to announce … Continued

Students set to shoulder £100k bill for degrees

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The Times (London 24th February 2022) front page headlines report that students who take out a £45,000 loan to cover their fees and living expenses face paying back £100,000, and loans last until retirement (60) ! What will overseas students … Continued

Warnborough: become an accredited Counsellor. A new skills career helping others.

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An unique opportunity to qualify in the UK as a UK trained and recognised counsellor. Certificate and Diploma training is given ONLINE by Warnborough College (UK) which is accredited by ASIC. All counsellors will be eligible to join the ACCPH … Continued

11 Benefits of a ‘Competency-based degree’ (DBES)

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11 Benefits of a ‘Competency-based degree’ (DBES)  DRSUCCESS MARCH 12, 2021 UNCATEGORIZED Flexibility for your lifestyle. Not herd driven or ‘4 wall learning’.  ‘Competencies’ – Prior Learning (RPL) taken into consideration for Advanced Placement (AP) – save time/money.  Learn, research at your own pace … Continued

Warnborough College: International partnerships

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NOVEMBER 28, 2021 Warnborough College welcomes partnerships and projects with colleges and universities around the world. Opportunities for sharing courses, developing joint-courses and awarding dual qualifications are possible. Being a flexible and ‘open-minded’ institution Warnborough College seeks good connections (Guan … Continued