Futureland2023 is ready to welcome you

We are pleased that Futureland is now ready with a full slate of exciting presenters and workshop leaders. You can view the schedule of events here: https://futureland.education/the-theme/futureland-2023-schedule-of-events/ And also register to attend here:  https://futureland.education/register/ We are beyond excited to announce … Continued

Warnborough Foundation Appeal 2023

To celebrate The 5OTH ANNIVERSARY (1973-2023) of the founding of Warnborough College in Oxford (1973), Warnborough College (Ireland) is awarding SEVEN Honorary Doctorate Degrees to worthies who have made a significant contribution to education, business, and charity needs in their … Continued

IVETA: Skills Online Scholarships

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  The International Vocational Education and Training Association (IVETA) is an international organization with a focus on promoting  vocational and technical skills for employment and for career enhancement. Membership is open to all those who aspire to be involved in … Continued