As a member of IVETA, you can look forward to the following services:
Continuing Professional Development
IVETA has partnered with MaxKnowledge and ACTE to offer its members access to nearly 200 free and paid (credit-awarding) online courses.
International Financing of Workforce Development and Skills
IVETA is now offering members this new service on a pilot basis via our subscription to the UN Development Business (UNDB) information database.
This database currently contains information about 350 multilateral and bilateral financing for education, workforce development, and skills to middle- and lower-income countries. It can help our members identify workforce development priorities in specific developing countries and find associated projects with funding opportunities.
Mentoring Scheme
The practice of mentoring is well known for its ability to support people develop new skills as well as further refine existing skills towards mastery. The role of IVETA is to provide services that support
members professional development and expose them to international best practices, and a mentoring program service will achieve these objectives.
TVET Innovation and Improvement Fund (TIFF)
Previously the Professional Microgrant Program, the IVETA TIIF was started in 2002 to assist developing countries to experiment, adapt, and develop new approaches in VET. The results are disseminated to the international VET Community. The program is financed from grants provided by Members and from IVETA dues.