From your Abstract dashboard, you will see the following:

Click on the + New Abstract button. You will see a page which looks like:

Follow the sequence of 1 to 7.

  1. Enter the title of your abstract or article.
  2. Enter a synopsis or the abstract of your article.
  3. Upload your full article, PPTX or/and any accompanying hi-res graphics.
  4. This is the name of the Event or Journal issue. Select the relevant topic category.
  5. Enter the name of the author, email, and organisation/university.
  6. If this is for a presentation, enter the presenter’s details if different. Otherwise enter the same details as for the author.
  7. When you are happy with everything, click on Submit.

You will be returned to the Dashboard. There, you will see your uploaded Abstract/Article. The status will change accordingly when it has been reviewed, accepted, or rejected. You will also see feedback, if there is any, when the status has changed.

Good luck! 🙂